Five Quick Facts – Randy Travis

Randy had 16 songs that reached the No. 1 spot on the chart.


Considered a pivotal figure in the history of country music, Travis broke through in the mid-1980s


Randy Travis sold over 25 million records.


In 2016, Travis was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.


On July 7, 2013, Travis was admitted to a Dallas-area hospital for viral cardiomyopathy after a viral upper respiratory infection. His condition was classified as critical. Three days later, Travis suffered a massive stroke and then underwent surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. Within the next five days, Travis was awake and alert after undergoing brain surgery, and his heart was pumping without the assistance of machines — an assumption that he would make a full recovery. He was released from Baylor Heart Hospital in Plano, Texas, on July 31 and entered a physical therapy facility. Following his stroke, and despite therapy, Travis suffered from aphasia and used a cane for more than a year. By November 2014, he was recovering, could walk short distances without assistance, and was re-learning to write and play guitar, according to his then-fiancée Mary Travis.

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